Travel Vaccinations
For frequent travellers, we have a budget travel package specially designed for you. The Package includes Meningococcal vaccinations, Typhoid vaccinations, Hepatitis A and B vaccinations etc.
Etern Medical provides the following common vaccines
recommended for different countries.
Seasonal flu vaccination (Quad strains)
Hepatitis A and B vaccination
Meningococcal vaccination
Typhoid vaccination (MOH Certified)
Yellow Fever Vaccination
Punggol MRT and The Seletar Mall branches are MOH-designated Yellow Fever vaccination centre which is approved by World Health Organisation (WHO) with the accompanying international certificate.

What is Teleconsult?Teleconsult is for patients that have any simple non-assessment ailments such as: Patients with simple conditions that do not need physical examination or further testing for management. Patients who are generally well and only has minor symptoms that doesn’t need much medication but require medical rest. (E.g., Headache, Body ache, Back pain, etc.) Patients who have minor illnesses that they have prior experience of and requires only some simple medications that they have taken before. Patients with existing chronic condition who are well and require a simple consultation and refill of the same medications.
What medical conditions are unsuitable for teleconsult services?Patients with uncontrolled chronic conditions or mental health concerns are advised against using teleconsultation. Symptoms listed below are also considered unsuitable for teleconsult, and may require immediate medical attention at the Accident & Emergency department of the nearest hospital: Acute or severe chest pain Actively bleeding or deep wounds or lacerations Breathlessness Convulsions or seizures Fainting spells, presyncope or syncope Injuries with suspected fractures or dislocations presenting as severe pain, open wounds, deformity, severe bruising or swelling, loss of sensation, and limb weakness Persistent vomiting Severe abdominal pain Severe headache or giddiness Sudden onset numbness, weakness or slurred speech Sudden loss of vision
Are there any age limitations for teleconsult?Yes. Teleconsult is limited to patients aged 16 years and above. Patients who are aged 16 and below shall be accompanied by an adult throughout the whole teleconsult.
Are there any preparations to be fulfilled prior to my teleconsult appointment?Ensure that you have the WhatsApp Messenger application downloaded in your phone and logged in. Where possible and relevant, have photographs of your condition, e.g. infection, skin problem or wound, recent medical records and/or latest laboratory results. Do send the relevant images through WhatsApp Messenger to the clinic’s mobile phone number before commencing the teleconsultation to facilitate the doctor’s review. Where available and medically appropriate, it is strongly recommended to be prepared with the following equipment on hand during the teleconsultation: - Thermometer - Blood pressure machine - Glucometer (for diabetic patients) - Weighing scale - Torchlight You may record your vitals before your teleconsultation and have them ready for your doctor. Be ready to verify your name and identity or passport number with your doctor before commencing the teleconsultation. Do have your identity card or passport ready on hand as well.
What are the costs involved?Our consultation fees are not inclusive of GST, cost of medication, memo or referral letter, administrative charges, and delivery charges (where applicable). At the end of your teleconsultation, you will be issued an itemized invoice detailing the total charges incurred, which would include the following: Consultation fees GST Cost of medication (if applicable) Memo or referral letter (if applicable) Administrative charges Delivery charges (if applicable).
What if the connection is lost in the midst of the teleconsult?Our doctor will give you a return call if the connection is lost during the teleconsult. Should there be any technical difficulties and a re-connection is not possible, our clinic nurse will contact you again shortly. However, we would strongly recommend that the signal strength of the mobile data or Wi-Fi connection is stable before starting the teleconsult. This would help to minimize connectivity issues.
Am I able to choose my doctor?Patient can inform the clinic his/her preferred doctor. However, this must be clearly stated during appointment booking and is still further subjected to the availability of the preferred doctor. The medications will be dispensed from the clinic the doctor is currently stationed at.
Can I get a Medical Certificate?Yes, you may request. However, a medical certificate is not always guaranteed. The doctor will assess and recommend the best course of treatment which may or may not involve the issuance of a medical certificate. The medical certificate can be retrieved either via the eHealthAssist (eHA) app or emailed to you in PDF format or you may also opt for self-collection for the hardcopy medical certificate at the clinic premises.
Can I get a medical prescription?Yes, you may request. This is however subjected to the doctor’s assessment & management of the condition, which may or may not include the exact medical prescription that you have requested. Do note that an additional charge of $15 for a medical prescription letter applies.
There is no doctor’s signature on the digital MC. How do I prove that the digital MC is authentic?As the digital MC is a computer-generated MC, the doctor’s signature is not required. The doctor’s signature is in the form of his / her name block letters on the digital MC together with the doctor’s MCR number. If you need further clarification, please call the clinic.
What should I do if I missed my scheduled teleconsult appointment?If you missed your scheduled appointment, you may call the clinic phone or send a WhatsApp message to the respective clinic mobile number and the nurses will be able to assist you.
Why health screening is important?Health screening enables you to find out if you have a particular disease or condition such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes or high blood pressure even if you do not have any symptoms and/or signs of disease. Early detection with proper medical guidance, followed by treatment and good control of the condition can result in better outcomes.
Can I eat or drink anything before these screenings?If you have chosen fasting for your health screening package, no you are not allowed to eat or drink before your screening as fasting ensures accurate blood specimen tests for glucose and cholesterol levels. Only plain water is allowed prior to the screening. You may refer to the Health Screening page to know more about our packages and preparation instructions.
What is stool test?Stool test is a stool analysis tested for traces of blood and colon cancer. It will also help to diagnose other conditions which are affecting the digestive health.
Can I do my screening if I am having my menstruation?Blood test is alright. For ladies who are having menstruation, it is advisable to do urine test and stool test after your period and return the specimens in a seal container to our clinic. If you wish to continue with both tests, the result may not be accurate as there may be trace of blood cells reported in your report. Please ensure you are not having your menstruation if you are doing pap smear. You may refer to Health Screening page to know more about our packages and preparation instruction.
Do you provide packages with pre & post consultation with doctor?Yes, our premium HSC plus and D package provides pre-consultation and post review, height and weight and vital signs measurement. Our basic package price does not include pre and post review consultation. If you wish to review your blood test screening report, please take note that review consultation fee will be levied accordingly. The basic HSA, HSB and HSC are no frills package that allow patient to have an option to decide whether to review the report at their convenience.
What happen when a problem is identified?On event of abnormalities being identified in your screening results, our clinic will contact you immediately.
If I’m unable to fast for 8hrs will the result be affected?Yes, your result will be affected especially for cholesterol and glucose profile.
If I’m a diabetic patient, do I need to fast?We will advise you to choose the non-fasting option for your health screening package as it reduces the risk of hypoglycemia. If you choose the fasting option, you will still need to fast and skip your diabetic medication till the screening is over.
What is resting ECG test?The resting ECG test assesses the electrical activity of the heart and diagnoses conditions such as ischaemic heart disease.
How often should I go for health screening?Health screening should be done yearly or every two years if you are aged above 40 years old or with risk factors such as: Family history of chronic disease Overweight, unhealthy eating and/or poor diet Hectic and stressful lifestyle Work in high risk environment exposing to chemicals and toxins Unintentional weight loss of more than 3kg within a short time frame Have not done any health screening before
What are the payment mode available?Payment can be made by Cash, NETS, VISA, MASTER and AMEX.
What are the screening packages available?We have a range of packages that is specially designed by our doctors for your health screening needs which is cater to your age and budget. You may refer to Health Screening page to know more about our packages.
Who is suitable for the Non-Fasting Health Screening?Non-Fasting Health Screening will suit a large number of people, and also diabetic people as it reduces the risk of low blood glucose.
Who should not choose Non-Fasting Health Screening?People who suffer from anaemia should not choose Non-Fasting Health Screening, please choose the Fasting Health Screening Packages when booking an appointment.
What is the benefit of choosing Non-Fasting Health Screening?You do not have to wake up early in the morning for preparation, and you can have your cup of coffee or tea before your blood test.
What to avoid for my Non-Fasting Health Screening?Please avoid: Drinking alcohol Having a heavy meal before your screening.
How should I prepare for my InBody Assessment?Before you come for your InBody Assessment, here are some of the considerations that you can follow to ensure accurate results: 1. Abstain from eating or drinking (except water) 3-4 hours prior to the assessment. 2. If necessary, feel free to bring food and drinks for your consumption after the body composition test. 3. Refrain from drinking alcohol or caffeinated drinks 12 hours prior to the assessment. 4. Do not partake in any excessive physical activity 24 hours prior to the assessment. 5. You can take your medications on the day of the assessment. 6. Do dress in comfortable clothing for the assessment, for example: - T-Shirt, Track pants, Sport Shorts, Sweatpants - Running, walking shoes
What can a composition analyser accomplish?The composition analyser can give you an accurate reading of fat versus muscle tissue. It is able to do this by segmenting the human body into 5 zones. It can gauge an individual’s health and help adjust their exercise or activity focuses accordingly.
Can I measure my water content during menstruation?It is not recommended. During menstruation, females experience changes in body water. As a result, measurement errors may occur.
Who should not be tested with Inbody?Individuals with implanted defibrillators or pacemakers or other metallic supports are not recommended. Depending on which part of the body is scanned, women who are menstruating – the results will not be accurate due to the subtle changes in their body water. Pregnant women – Although pregnant women have been tested for their nutritional status and water balance, some of the results may not be as accurate due to the changes in water content for pregnant women.
How often should I do an InBody scan?The frequency depends on each facility and program. It is recommended by InBody to do testing every 2-4 weeks.
How does alcohol affect InBody scan?Drinking alcohol prior to the InBody scan is strongly discouraged as alcohol will affect the body composition. Therefore, the results of the scan might turn out to be inaccurate.
Should I get tested for STDs?STDs have no symptoms for the majority of the time. Getting tested is the only way to ascertain if you have an STD. If you’ve had sexual intercourse in the form of vaginal, anal or oral, do speak to a doctor or nurse about getting tested.
What are some symptoms of an STD?Different forms of STDs can manifest different symptoms. They include: Sores, bumps on and around your genitals, thighs, or butt cheeks. Suspicious discharge from your penis or vagina Burning sensation felt when peeing or having to pee a lot Itching, pain, irritation, swelling felt in your penis, vagina, vulva or anus. Flu-like symptoms such as fever, body aches, swollen glands and fatigue.
Do STDs cause permanent damage?STDs can result in permanent damage to you depending on the type of STD and how long it is left untreated. They include: Infertility Painful lesions Intense inflammation Pelvic inflammatory disease in women Neurological issues Blindness Headaches Moreover, if you’re expecting a child, some STDs can be passed on to the baby. This results in: Miscarriage Stillbirth Severe lifelong physical and neurological issues
What should I do if I find out I have an STD? Can STDs be cured?Many STDs can be easily cured with proper medication and treatment. After that, you can get on with your life as per normal. Even though some STDs cannot be cured, there are ways to treat your symptoms and prevent you from passing on your STD to anyone you have sexual intercourse with.
What does STD testing involve?STD testing can be in a form of a urine and/or blood test. It is usually fast and painless. You might also have a swab taken of any parts of your body (such as mouth, genitals) that is painful or showing any other signs of an STD infection
How should I prepare for my STD Screening?Please refrain from taking your routine morning medication and/or supplements until your blood sample has been taken. You may take them after the test. No fasting is required for the test. For urine test – please hold your urine for 2-4 hours For females – No testing during menstruation
How do I know which tests my helper is required to do?The 6ME letter will state the tests that are required for screening.
What if my helper requires to do Chest X-ray?If the medical form states that Chest X-ray is required, the X-ray will be done at our partnered radiology centres/polyclinics. After your X-ray, you are required to bring the result back to our clinic to receive your certification.
How long will it take for the entire screening?The entire screening will take about 20 - 45 minutes. (Depending on the waiting queue) You can book an appointment for our Express Maid-Checkup which we have our certified phlebotomists do your blood-taking to shorten your waiting time. Do check out our Express Blood Services. After the blood-taking, our clinic will conduct a physical assessment of the helper.
Does Etern Medical provide New Work Permit Screening?Yes, we do, for New Work Permit Screening, please bring along the MOM In-principle approval (IPA) Letter and MOM Medical Form.
Who will submit the 6ME results?Once the medical form is completed, our nurses will iSubmit the form to MOM.
What other checkups/examinations does Etern Medical provide?We provide examinations for Permanent Resident/Social Visit passes, Student Pass, Immigration Work Permits, LTA/Taxi Driving Licenses, Fit-For-School, Fitness for IPPT, and Medical-Lawyer and Insurance Reports.
How is Antigen Rapid Test (ART) different from Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Swab Test?Antigen test is a point of care test. This test detects protein fragments specific to the Coronavirus. It can be done instantly and the turnaround time for the result is within 20-30 minutes whereas PCR test. PCR testing is for SARS-CoV-2 detection. This test actually detects RNA that is specific to the virus and can detect the virus within days of infection, even those who have no symptoms. The turnaround time of the results takes around 24 hours to 48 hours.
What does a false negative or false positive mean?In those who don’t have symptoms, the false negative rate — meaning my test is negative but I actually have the disease — can be as high as 50%. This can have tremendous consequences as we try to contain the spread of COVID-19. False positive results means you are tested positive but you do not really have the disease.
What if I have a negative rapid test but still have symptoms?Current recommendation is to have a confirmation test performed (the PCR test) if you still have symptoms and have had a negative rapid test. This is especially true if you’ve had a high-risk exposure. A high risk exposure is considered more than 15 minutes of contact with a COVID-positive individual in a 24-hour period and you have been within 6 feet of this individual.
Is the Antigen Rapid Test (ART) painful?ART involves using a nasal swab from the lower part of the nose and should not be uncomfortable.
Can I have a hard copy of the Antigen Rapid Testing (ART) results?Yes, you may request for a hardcopy of the ART results free of charge at our clinic.
Is there any consultation fee charged to the test?There will be no consultation fees or additional charges for the service. However, if you are consulting for other medical conditions, you will be billed accordingly.
What if the result is inconclusive?If your Antigen Rapid Test (ART) result turned out inconclusive, a repeat test will be conducted on the spot.
Does Cervical Cancer run in families?Maybe. Cervical Cancer might be hereditary.
Does the vaccination offer lifetime protection?Not at this moment. The long term efficacy of the vaccine is still under evaluation and research.
What is the vaccination schedule like?For Gardasil, the schedule is at 0,2,6 month. For Cervarix, the schedule is at 0,1,6 month.
Any side effects of the vaccine?Minimal side effects such as pain, swelling and redness at the site of the injection and generalised reactions such as fever are some of the common side effects. The two vaccines have been approved as safe and effective by Health Science Authority of Singapore.
Do I still need to do Pap smears test if I have had the vaccine?Yes, you are still recommended to go for your pap smear once every three year. About 30% cervical cancer cases are caused by HPV sub-types which the vaccine does not protect against. In other words, the vaccines do not protect against ALL cancer-causing HPV sub-types.
Can Medisave be used to pay for cervical cancer vaccination?Yes, ladies age 9 to 26 can use their medisave account to pay for the above vaccine.
Why is it important to vaccinate boys with HPV vaccine?Gardasil vaccine can be given to boys as young as 9 years old to men up to 45 years old for prevention of genital warts, penis and rectum cancer.
How safe is the HPV vaccine during pregnancy?This vaccine is not recommended for pregnant females.
What is a Skin Prick Test?A skin prick test is as simple as pricking your skin and inserting a small amount of substance and checks for immediate allergic reactions. It is usually within 20 minutes and is usually done to identify allergies to pollen, mold, pet dander, dust mites and foods. It is usually performed on the forearm and upper back.
What happens during a Skin Prick Test?During a Skin Prick Test, the test site will be sanitized with alcohol. Small marks on your skin will be drawn and a drop of allergen extract will be applied next to each marking. A lancet will then be used to prick the extracts into the skin’s surface. A new lancet will be used for each allergen. Within 20 minutes, your skin will be observed for signs of allergic reactions. If you are allergic to one of the allergens tested, a raised, red, itchy bump known as a wheal will develop on your skin. The bump’s size will be measured and recorded. Lastly, your skin will be cleaned with alcohol to remove the marks.
Is Skin Prick Test Painful?It is usually not painful. Skin Prick Test uses lancets that barely penetrate the skin’s surface. It doesn’t cause bleeding and it won’t feel more than a mild, momentary discomfort.
How do I prepare for the Skin Prick Test?Do tell your doctor about all the medicines that you’re currently taking as some medications can interfere with the results of the Skin Prick Test. You are advised to avoid taking these certain medications for up to 10 days. Medications that can interfere with skin tests include: Antihistamines such as hydroxyzine, loratadine, chlorpheniramine and cetirizine Tricyclic antidepressants such as nortriptyline and desipramine Some Heartburn medications such as cimetidine and ranitidine
Is Skin Prick Test safe?Usually, the most common side effect of the Skin Prick Test is raised, red, itchy bumps known as wheals. It is rare that a severe immediate allergic reaction happens, but rest assured as the skin prick test will only be performed at our clinic where appropriate emergency equipment and medications are available. However, in some circumstances, Skin Prick Tests aren’t recommended. You may be advised against Skin Prick Test if you: Have ever had a severe allergic reaction, known as anaphylaxis Take medications that could affect the test results, but it is not recommended that you discontinue the medications just for the Skin Prick Test Have severe eczema or psoriasis that affects large areas of skin on your arms and back. In such cases, a blood test may be for you.
How do you test for allergy with a blood test?A blood test can be done to measure your immune system’s response to specific foods by measuring the level of immunoglobulin (IgE) which is an antibody. A blood sample will be taken from you and sent to a laboratory, where different foods can be tested. People with food allergy may manifest as lip swelling, rash and hives, vomiting, stomach pain and diarrhoea after indigestion. Those with history of drug allergy, allergic sinusitis, asthma or skin sensitivity are more likely to develop food allergy. Do make an appointment online to start getting tested and start managing your allergy.
Why do I need an allergy blood test?Your health care provider may order allergy testing if you have symptoms of an allergy. These include: Stuffy or runny nose Sneezing Itchy, watery eyes Hives (a rash with raised red patches) Diarrhea Vomiting Shortness of breath Coughing Wheezing
Will I need to do anything to prepare for the test?You don't need any special preparations for an allergy blood test.
Are there any risks to the test?There is very little risk to having an allergy blood test. You may have slight pain or bruising at the spot where the needle was put in, but most symptoms go away quickly.
I have eczema. Can I do the allergy test?Yes. Eczema is frequently associated with other allergic conditions such as asthma, hay fever, and food allergy. Children whose parents suffer from asthma and/or various allergies are more likely to develop eczema than those whose parents have no history of allergic diseases.
The following are some of the common factors or phenomena that can trigger a worsening of eczema:Pollen, mould, dust mites, animals, and certain foods (for those allergic to them) Cold and dry air Colds or the flu Skin contact with irritating chemicals Skin contact with rough materials such as wool Experiencing of intense emotions such as stress Fragrances or dyes in skin lotions and soaps
What are the document needed for childhood vaccination?Parents who wish to use their baby bonus and Medisave accounts to pay for the childhood vaccination package are required to bring the following documents during their first visit for authentication purposes:- NRIC of both parents Birth certificate of the baby ATM card Baby Health Booklet
Is it normal for a child to develop rashes and fever after vaccination?Some vaccines will develop some possible side effects after the vaccination: Pain, redness or swelling at the site of the vaccination. Slight fever, tiredness or poor appetite. A mild rash (that lasts for two days) may occur 5 to 12 days after the MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella) vaccination.
What should I do if my child misses his/her vaccination schedule?In the case that you have missed some scheduled vaccinations for your child due to medical reasons or overseas holidays, your child may be unprotected during that time. However, it is safe and advisable to continue the vaccinations as soon as possible.
My child has already received his first vaccine from other GP clinic. Can we still sign up your vaccination package?Yes, we are able to customise the package for your child and pro-rate the payment accordingly.
What is development assessment? Is this assessment included in the package?A development assessment is a structured evaluation of your child's development based on his/her physical, language, intellectual, social, and emotional well-being. This assessment will be tailored to your child's age and suspected problem or delay. Our vaccine package includes the price for simple vaccine consultation, child development assessment and immunisation report.
What are 5-in-1 and 6-in-1 vaccines?The 5-in-1 injection combines vaccines against Diphtheria/Pertussis/Tetanus (DPT), Polio and Haemophilus Influenzae type B (Hib) in 1 injection. The 6-in-1 injection combines vaccines against Diphtheria/Pertussis/Tetanus (DPT), Polio, Haemophilus Influenzae type B (Hib) and Hepatitis B in 1 injection.
Importance of Vaccinations for Safe Travel

Free Childhood Vaccination Programme
Etern Medical offers free childhood vaccinations and childhood developmental screening for Singaporean children*.
Click here to view the National Child Immunisation Schedule.
*Please be reminded that eligibility for subsidised vaccination is based on the recommendations under the National Adult Immunisation Schedule (NAIS).
Childhood Vaccination Package
For Non-Residents
At Etern Medical, we offer childhood vaccination packages customised for Non-Residents.
Some privileges offered for our vaccination prepaid packages signup.
Complimentary SMS appointment reminder
Priority queue system with shorter waiting time (3rd from queue)
Printout of immunisations report is free of charge
Special rate for purchase of Braun Thermoscan during the first month upon signup
Special rate for ear piercing services for kid @ 3-6 months
We provide customization of vaccination package with minimum $600.
Recommended best seller supplement for age 1 years old and above – Immunped or Sambucol to boost up immune system.
Click here for Etern Childhood Vaccination (Comprehensive) Brochure
Click here for Etern Childhood Vaccination (Ultra-Comprehensive) Brochure
Adult Vaccination
Boostrix Vaccination (for 100-day cough)
Cervical Cancer Vaccinations (HPV Vaccinations)
Chicken-Pox Vaccination (Medisave claimable)
Ladies Rubella Vaccinations
Pneumococcal (Medisave claimable)
Seasonal Flu Vaccination (Quad strains)
Shingles Vaccinations
Tetanus Vaccinations
Typhoid Vaccinations
Please note that potential side effects might occur depending on the individual’s body condition.
Singaporeans will be able to use up to $500 of their Medisave per account, or his/her immediate family members, which include their spouse, children and parents for the vaccinations. Medisave rule applies. You can use your Medisave for some of the approved vaccines under the National Adult Immunisation Schedule (NAIS) if you are aged 18 and above.

Corporate Vaccinations Programme
At Etern Medical, we offer onsite flu vaccination services to our corporate clients. Our trained medical staff will schedule and visit your premise to conduct a mass vaccination based on a mutually agreed date and time, to ensure that the programme is carried out productively and effectively. You may contact us for a quotation.
Enhanced CHAS Subsidies for CHAS Vaccination
*Singapore citizens only
Singaporeans who are eligible* will get to receive subsidies for nationally recommended vaccinations at Etern Medical Clinic.
Singapore Citizens within the age range of 6 months to 59 months are entitled to FREE influenza vaccination and assessment
Click here to view the National Childhood Immunisation Schedule.
For the respective subsidized vaccinations, please refer to the chart below that is in accordance with the NAIS/NCIS guidelines to find out your eligibility under the CHAS subsidy scheme.

Fee Caps and Subsidies for Vaccinations
Government Subsidies and Patients’ Fee Caps for Singapore Citizens

Patients must fulfill the following criteria to be eligible receive the CHAS subsidies:
Vaccination history requirements
Specific medical conditions
For more information, please visit HealthHub website.
If you're interested in our other vaccines, feel free to contact our clinics.