Minor Surgery & Procedures
Save time and get your minor surgery done at our clinic.
Staples Removal
Toilet and Sutures of Lacerations
Wound Care Dressing
Our doctors are able to perform the following minor surgeries or clinical procedures in our clinic which includes:
Removal of cyst, lumps and bumps
Incision and Drainage of abscess and pus
Nail Surgery of ingrown toe-nails, nail avulsion
Toilet and Sutures of Lacerations
Removal of sutures
Stitching/Sutures/Clips/Staples Removal
Surgical dressing and wound care
Urinary Catheterisation
Warts, Skin Tags Excision
Lumps may need to send for histology if deem suspicious of cancer.
Pus may need culture and antibiotic studies.
Nails clipping may need be sent for fungal examinations.

We are an accredited day surgery centre for Medisave option. However, to use Medisave, the following criteria must be fulfilled:
Removal of lump and bumps are not meant for cosmetic reasons but of a medical reason.
Removal of lump must be followed by histology.
Sufficient Medisave balance in your account.

Examples of valid Medisave surgeries

Wound Care Dressings
Do you have a wound from the following injury?
Puncture Wound
Do you need help to change your dressings and provide proper wound care to promote better wound healing? Our team of nurses can assist you to dress you daily. With proper wound care, most complications like infections can be avoided.
If you need urgent wound care to reduce the risk of infection, contact us now for assessment.

Knee Pain & Treatment
Do you experience joint pain? Find it difficult to walk without feeling pain?
Osteoarthritis is the most common cause of arthritis that results from breakdown of joint cartilage and underlying bone. The most common symptoms are joint pain, swelling and stiffness.
Our clinic offers joint injection to help you relieve the pain.
GO-ON is used for Osteoarthritis and it should be injected into affected joint for a total of 5 times, at weekly intervals. This injection works to eliminate friction and increase the effectiveness of the fluid within the knee joint to act as a lubricant and shock absorber.
Depending on the severity of the joint disease, the effects of the course of 5 treatments may last for > 6 months to relief your pain.
Treatment cycles may be repeated if required. A small bandage will be placed over the injection site and you’ll be able to go home fairly quickly.
You can book an appointment for consultation to seek available treatment.